WebMux – Upload and Download the Configuration File Using SSH Command Line

You can use the ssh login in WebMux unit’s diagnostic port to upload and download the WebMux configuration. The following command examples will help.

To retrieve the file, run:

$ ssh -p 77 superuser@ getconfig >/tmp/conf1

After editing the file, upload it to the WebMux by:

$ ssh -p 77 superuser@ putconfig >/tmp/conf2

“77” is the diagnostic port, and “” is the test IP address. “/tmp/conf1” is the downloaded configuration file, and “/tmp/conf2” is the uploaded file.

While editing, do not modify the beginning of the first comment line. That is, for the comment line,

# webmux farm/server configuration for WebMux.avanu.com saved Thu Feb 21 19:15:45 2008

Do not modify “# webmux farm/server configuration.” The remainder of the line may be modified, as can the rest of the file.

The superuser has the same password for ssh and for the browser interface. It can be changed through the browser interface.