Load Balancer Remote Notification

WebMux Remote Notification – Email and SMS

Product Tech Tips Index

This TechTip™ blog is about the WebMux remote notification feature

The WebMux remote notification is a handy feature for when an unexpected problem occurs requiring attention.

WebMux has built-in health checks for internal checks and balances. For example, should a network server fail to respond, WebMux will do a health check three consecutive times before determining the server is actually dead and not responding.

Should a problem like this occur, the WebMux can send an email notifying the administrator of a network problem. Please refer to the WebMux Manual for additional details about WebMux health checks and setting up the email notification feature.

If the preference is to receive SMS cell phone text notifications instead of emails, the various cellular carriers provide this option using their SMS gateways.

The cellular carriers have domains that will send email messages as SMS text messages to a cell phone.

For example, if the recipient is on the ATT cellular carrier, the SMS gateway domain is @txt.att.net. If the recipient’s phone number is 987-654-3210, you would send an email to 9876543210@txt.att.net and the email message will be received as an SMS text message.

Here is a sample list of SMS gateways of US-based carriers:

Alltel: sms.alltelwireless.com
AT&T: txt.att.net
Boost Mobile: sms.myboostmobile.com
Cricket Wireless: mms.cricketwireless.net
FirstNet: txt.att.net
Google Fi: msg.fi.google.com
MetroPCS: mymetropcs.com
Republic Wireless: text.republicwireless.com
Sprint: messaging.sprintpcs.com
T-Mobile[: tmomail.net
U.S. Cellular: email.uscc.net
Verizon Wireless: vtext.com
Virgin Mobile: vmobl.com

If your cell carrier is not listed, a Google search for ‘[carrier name] SMS gateway’ will generally lead you to the correct information.